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University of Siena

Italy, Siena    See a map
via Banchi di Sotto 55, Siena - ITALY

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Pre-University Course

PUCFoundation Course in Economics and Management
Pre-University Course, full-time
School of Economics and Management
PUCFoundation Course in Engineering and Science
Pre-University Course, full-time
Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics

Bachelor's Degree

BEconomics and Management
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
School of Economics and Management
BEconomia e Commercio
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
School of Economics and Management
BIngegneria Informatica e dell'informazione
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics
BLingue per la comunicazione interculturale e d'impresa
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Philology and Literary Criticism
BScienze della comunicazione
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences
BStudi letterari e filosofici
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Philology and Literary Criticism
BScienze storiche e del patrimonio culturale
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of History and Cultural Heritage

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Single Cycle Master's Degree

SCMDentistry and dental prosthodontics
Single Cycle Master's Degree, full-time
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Single Cycle Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Law
SCMChimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche
Single Cycle Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy
Single Cycle Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy
SCMMedicina e chirurgia
Single Cycle Master's Degree, full-time
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
SCMScienze della formazione primaria
Single Cycle Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences

Master's Degree

MEngineering Management
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics
MInternational Accounting and Management
Master's Degree, full-time
School of Economics and Management
MArtificial Intelligence and Automation Engineering
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics
MLanguage and Mind: Linguistics and Cognitive Studies
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences
Master's Degree, full-time
School of Economics and Management
MPublic and Cultural Diplomacy
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences
Master's Degree, full-time
School of Economics and Management

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Postgraduate Diploma - Executive Master (Post Bachelor’s Degree)

EM-IConflict Management and Humanitarian Action
Postgraduate Diploma - Executive Master (Post Bachelor’s Degree), full-time
Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences


SCHSiena International Excellence Scholarships
Scholarship, full-time
University of Siena (Multiple Departments)


School of Economics and Management
Siena, Piazza S. Francesco, 7/8

BEconomics and Management
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
School of Economics and Management
BEconomia e Commercio
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
School of Economics and Management
BScienze Economiche e Bancarie
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
School of Economics and Management
PUCFoundation Course in Economics and Management
Pre-University Course, full-time
School of Economics and Management
MInternational Accounting and Management
Master's Degree, full-time
School of Economics and Management
Master's Degree, full-time
School of Economics and Management
Master's Degree, full-time
School of Economics and Management

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Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics
Siena, Via Roma 56 (Palazzo San Niccolò)

BIngegneria Informatica e dell'informazione
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics
BIngegneria Gestionale
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics
BBiotech Engineering for Health
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics
PUCFoundation Course in Engineering and Science
Pre-University Course, full-time
Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics
MEngineering Management
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics
MArtificial Intelligence and Automation Engineering
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics

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Department of Philology and Literary Criticism
Siena, Via Roma 56 (Palazzo San Niccolò)

BLingue per la comunicazione interculturale e d'impresa
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Philology and Literary Criticism
BStudi letterari e filosofici
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Philology and Literary Criticism
MLettere Moderne
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Philology and Literary Criticism
MLettere Classiche
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Philology and Literary Criticism
MLingue per l'Impresa e lo Sviluppo
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Philology and Literary Criticism

Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences
Siena, via Roma, 56 (Palazzo San Niccolò)

BScienze della comunicazione
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences
BScienze del servizio sociale
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences
BScienze dell'educazione e della formazione
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences
EM-IConflict Management and Humanitarian Action
Postgraduate Diploma - Executive Master (Post Bachelor’s Degree), full-time
Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences
MLanguage and Mind: Linguistics and Cognitive Studies
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences
MPublic and Cultural Diplomacy
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences
MStrategie e Tecniche della Comunicazione
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences

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Department of History and Cultural Heritage
Siena, via Roma, 47 (Palazzo San Galgano)

BScienze storiche e del patrimonio culturale
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of History and Cultural Heritage
MStoria dell'arte
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of History and Cultural Heritage
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of History and Cultural Heritage
MStoria e Filosofia
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of History and Cultural Heritage

Department of Political and International Sciences
Siena, Via Pier Andrea Mattioli, 10

BScienze politiche
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Political and International Sciences
MEuropean Studies
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Political and International Sciences
MScienze internazionali
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Political and International Sciences
MScienze delle amministrazioni
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Political and International Sciences
MSostenibilità Sociale e Management del Welfare
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Political and International Sciences

Department of Life Sciences
Siena, Via Aldo Moro, 2

Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Life Sciences
BScienze Biologiche
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Life Sciences
MBiodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Quality
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Life Sciences
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Life Sciences

Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment
Siena, Strada Laterina, 8

BScienze ambientali e naturali
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment
BFisica e tecnologie avanzate
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment
BScienze geologiche
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment
BTecnologie per l’Ambiente, le Costruzioni e il Territorio
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment
MRisorse e Pericolosità Geologiche del Territorio
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment
MEcotossicologia e sostenibilità ambientale
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment

Department of Law
Siena, Via Pier Andrea Mattioli, 10

BServizi Giuridici
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Law
Single Cycle Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Law

Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy
Siena, via Aldo Moro, 2

BScienze Chimiche
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy
MSustainable Industrial Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy
MChimica per le Scienze Agroalimentari
Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy
SCMChimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche
Single Cycle Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy
Single Cycle Master's Degree, full-time
Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy

School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Siena, strada delle Scotte, 4 (Policlinico Santa Maria alle Scotte)

Bachelor's Degree, full-time
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
BDietistica (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Dietista)
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
BFisioterapia (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Fisioterapista)
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
BIgiene dentale (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Igienista dentale)
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
BInfermieristica (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Infermiere)
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
BLogopedia (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Logopedista)
Bachelor's Degree, full-time
School of Medicine and Health Sciences

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University of Siena (Multiple Departments)
Siena (Multiple Addresses)

SCHSiena International Excellence Scholarships
Scholarship, full-time
University of Siena (Multiple Departments)